Escalante Rock Shop


Greetings From Escalante Rock Shop.

The end of season visitors rock update is late getting out. The web page
needed a holiday update and took longer than planned. Check it out. More
stock is in the shop if you don’t find anything that grabs you on the web page.

Thanks to Everyone who stopped by to celebrate 20 Rock Shop years.
It was a banner “for madmen only@this is the place” year.
Most visitors seemed to enjoy the rock scene, the product variety,
the rust art decor and the cell phone calls made in the shade by
visitors who could have cared less but stopped anyway.

There were many unscheduled closings and days taken off this season due to
this or that. So if you missed us, see you next season. Best to call in advance.
The hours have changed to variable instead of regular daily.

The guest book filled up real fine for 2023. The Proprietor pushed for twice the
customers by giving the (no spam will be received approach) for email signup's.

It was a hot, truck and trailer summer season. Every year the trucks look more
like semi-trucks/cabs with sleepers, pulling trailers bigger n’ houses to dine,
entertain and block traffic. Every combination imaginable passed by the shop,
seldom stopping, for a couple reasons:

One, they take up too much parking space. Second, who wants to stop at a
rock shop when there are 30 new campsites at the Escalante Petrified Forest
State Park, built especially BIG by the state to park & house these giant outfits.
Ya gotta wonder. A ground floor Hilton room and key to the sauna sounds like
a better deal.

The gemstone year previously mentioned in the Spring issue didn’t quite go
as planned, but there was still plenty of rock & roll, blues, surprises, great
characters, return buyers and no political discussions to bum anyone out.

If anyone gets out here again, you might see a large outside sandwich chalk
board (sign) blocking the driveway barbwire. The proprietor can readily change
the rock info menu each day and easily point out changes without painting a
new sign to hang up, hoping someone reads it. 2023 Menu Specials were
pretty interesting. There were four main ones that stood out.:

A. No spreading your Covid today. We reserve the right to have you leave.

B. Left parked and running unimaginable giant two story Mercedes land rover
needing stepladder type vehicles, blocking the driveway and spewing diesel fumes
into the shop will not be allowed.

C. Don’t try to limbo under or high jump over the driveway barbwire strand. (We
are not responsible if you hang yourself, break your neck or do other bodily or
clothes damage.) For your safety, follow the arrow to the entrance gate to your left.

D. Gone to lunch, will return. . . sometime because...


There is still plenty of product to accommodate anyone with buyers remorse or
buyers addiction. Many fine specimens from the stash barrels are now available
and more available to replace sold items.


The rock shop web page:

The jewelry web page:

The eBay store:

The Peace page:

The 20 year rock picture gallery on Facebook / Escalante Rock Shop

Thanks to all who still read & trash the yearly news updates and opt-not to
drop off the list, our regular customers, collectors, tourists & suppliers who
keep the shop open & rockin'.

Email us if you receive this news update more than once.

If you want to opt-out, reply with remove.

Nos vemos pronto
Saludos & Paz
Proprietor at large

contact us

leave message if no answer

"Thank you for visiting"


Web site / Images ©2004-Present. Escalante Rock Shop. All Rights Reserved.
Web page news Update: November 22nd 2023.