"Sacred, protection"
A form of opaque,
usually patterned chalcedony, sometimes banding.
Considered a sacred stone by Native American Indians.
Stimulates the solar plexus chakra.
Hardness 7 - Astrological Sign:Leo.
Vibrates to the number 6
A Beautiful specimen
Item #297-SLN
Outstanding Southern Utah Red Jasper contour polished display specimen - approx.
size ea. 3" x 3" x .75" - 220 grams - $ 65.00
Item #298-SLN
Outstanding Brecciated Red Jasper (unknown location) cut & polished specimen - approx.
size 2" x 3.5" x 1.5" - 308.3 grams - $ 65.00
Most Excellent
Item #302-SLN
A real gem of a Hanksville Jasper contour polished specimen - approx.
size 2.75" x 3.5" x .75- 155.4 grams - $ SOLD
A real fine rare Jasper
Item #300-SLN
Outstanding Morgan Hill Poppy Jasper cut & polished specimen - approx.
size 1.5" x 3" x 1.5" - 205 grams - $ 60.00
Most Excellent
Item #301-SLN
Real Fine Gem Utah Red Jasper w/hemitite cut & polished specimen - approx.
size 2.25" x 2.5" x 2.25" - 363 grams - $ 105.00
Mighty fine
Item #303-BB
Cool Utah Breceated Jasper cut & polished slab specimen - approx.
size 3" x 5" x .5" - 204 grams - $ 35.00
Mighty fine
Item #304-SLN
Old Stock Southern Utah Brecciated Jasper cut & contour polished slab - approx.
size 3" x 5" x .75" - 315 grams - $ 40.00
A Gallery Favorite
Item #305-SLN
An Old Stock Southern Utah Jasper Agate Geode cut & polished specimen - approx.
size 3.5" x 4" x 1" - 275 grams - $ SOLD
Rare old gem Jasper
Item #102-SLN
Rare Stoney Creek CA Gem Jasper cut & polished specimen - Approx size 1.75" x 3.5" x 1.5"
- 227.3 grams- $ 85.00
Cool green Bloodstone, most excellent
Item #103-SLN
Awesome Heliotrope Bloodstone contour polished specimen - Approx size 3" x 4" x 1.5"
- 346 grams - $ 90.00
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